
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

A good Fourth of July to all my fellow Americans. I hope everybody enjoys the holiday.

While you're enjoying it, do yourself a favor and check out the very British Small But Vicious Dog B/X-WFRP hack from Chris at the Vaults of Nagoh. It's grim atmosphere might be a useful corrective to all that July sunshne and merriment.


  1. Wow, after that rocket ride everything else will be a disappointment. Happy 4th Trey.

  2. Nothing suggestive about that, no Sir! :)

    Happy 4th!

  3. @Angry Lurker - That's why your nom de guerre's not the "Jovial Lurker." ;)

    @Tim - Thanks! You too.

    @James - The most suggestive I could fine. ;) A happy fourth to you, too.

  4. Great pics as always!
    Happy 4th to you!

  5. I believe that lovely in glorious black and white is known as 'Kitty Blast', and that image is painted on the sides of the City's battle wagons.

    Kitty's magical and delicious visage is known to come to life during times of trouble, advise soldiers in battle, and sing haunting tunes to comfort them as she guides them to the next world.

    There is a thriving market on dark hair dyes, as young women try to emulate her appearance...

  6. happy fourth! I love the rocket rider gurl....haha!

  7. Nice post and awesome pictures.
    Have a nice independence day!

  8. Have Wonderful independance day Trey & I do love the hack!

  9. I wonder how Uncle Sam's hat stays on during all the fisticuffs.

  10. @Needles - Thanks, I hope you did as well.

    @Banacek - Good old American engineering.
