Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Wednesday Comics: DC, May 1984 (week 3)
Monday, February 17, 2025
Postcards from the Flanaess
In thinking about Greyhawk for my recent posts, I've been inspired by Anna Meyer's great maps. Particularly her climate map which has challenged me to consider locations in the context of not just their historical European cultural inspirations, but their often not-European climate.
I didn't mention it in my post on Ket, but Meyer places it in the Dfa (humid continental) region which would make it like much of the American Midwest, perhaps Nebraska as pictured above.
Greyhawk's Switzerland Meyer puts in the Bsk (cold, semi-arid) Köppen climate region. Something like Denver or Boulder CO would be similar.
Lordship of the Isles
On Meyer's map, these islands fall into the Cfa (humid subtropical) region like the American Southeast or Bermuda. Given that they are in the tropics, though, I wonder if they might be better represented by Cuba or the Florida Keys and be mostly tropical savanna (Aw)
Though the U1 describes the area of Saltmarsh being like the coast of Southern England, its location would put it in a climate region Af (tropical rainforest).
Friday, February 14, 2025
Greyhawk: Ket
Ket sits astride a major route of commerce between the Oeridian East and the Baklunish West. Its people are a mixture of those cultures, though the ruling class is generally drawn from the descendants of Baklunish horse lords. Ketite leaders have sometimes been bellicose in their rhetoric, but one neighbor or the other, but they have seldom sought to impede the follow of trade through the region, so long as taxes are paid. They defend their territory zealously, however.
It is perhaps in the name of balancing their neighbors that the upper classes have adopted the so-called True Faith, a religion of the broad Lawful tradition but distinct from the predominant denominations of either East or West. Adherents hold to the mystic teachings of a succession of five prophets, each associated with a heavenly body and an age in human history. The faithful seek to escape the cycle of reincarnation and ascend to the plane of Law by emulating the prophets.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Wednesday Comics: DC, May 1984 (week 2)
Monday, February 10, 2025
HarnMaster Kethira
I've long been a bit of the Hârn rpg setting, but recently a I decided to look at the latest iteration of the HârnMaster rpg system, HârnMaster Kethira. It's from Kelestia Productions and came out last year.
I convinced one of my two Sunday evening groups to give it a try. We used the pregens from the free starter adventure they have plus one character I generated, and I ran the group through a ranged and then melee combat just to jump right into the system where it is likely the most complicated.
In brief, HârnMaster in all its iterations is a system very interested in realism and simulation of the lineage of the likes of Runequest and Chivalry & Sorcery. Like those games it's a skills system, mostly resolving tasks with a percentile, roll-under system. It also has graduated success and several different iterations of how those degrees of success are used. In fact, like other games of this type from the 80s (which is when the original HârnMaster was released), many skills have sort of their own "minigame" in the sense that the resolving rolls may vary slightly (variations on a theme, in general) and the skill-specific results require consultation of a chart table often.
The rulebook is lucidly written and there were very few places compared to other games where the meaning of the rules was unclear or ambiguous. But there are a lot of rules. Particularly for melee combat where there are rolls for attack, defense, hit location and specific area, damage based on weapon type, armor as damage reduction, and then hit location-specific injury and shock rolls.
In the test I ran, the four PCs encountered seven gargun (orcs, roughly). This was admittedly probably more of a D&Dish encounter setup as opposed to a typical Harn one, but it was just a test and one I wanted to take up most of the session time. Mission accomplished in that regard!
The PCs eventually maimed enough gargun that the little guys broke and ran (stumbled or crawled mostly), but they kept getting really lucky morale rolls, so it took longer than it probably would on average. I also probably forgot to include some modifiers or effects in some places that might have made it quicker, but once I started to get the procedure done, if was more the toggling between screens of reference that took up time. It really needs a GM's screen or even better a VTT implementation!
Despite the learning curve and the length of the combat, I do like things about the system and want to run it again. I think it likely works best where combats are rarer and/or shorter, but I think the robustness of the rules support all sorts of other activities from wilderness travel to social activities to crafting.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Planar Pilgrims
I've been listening to the audiobook of A Travel to the Middle Ages, and its description of what, by the late Middle Ages, is essentially a travel industry built up around pilgrimages to Christian churches and holy sites is really interesting. One fascinating detail is the cheap, metal pins or badges pilgrims could buy to commemorate their visits. There were also more risque, erotic novelty badges sold too, as a quick internet search can show you.
All of this religion-focused travel got me thinking of something interesting to do with the standard Outer Planes. Given their nature, they would certainly fit the bill as "holy sites." Maybe a lot of planar travel is in pilgrimage? This is a take that wouldn't be congruent with all views of the planes, certainly, but I think it would fit with a Planescapian sort of attitude, with planar types taking advantage of the clueless Prime visitors.
All you would need is these sorts of visitor-catering facilities and services to be present on each plane. They don't necessarily have to be particularly safe or even particularly customer friendly, really, if real history is any indication.
Of course, there would need to be things for pilgrims to see. Certainly, there are a lot of wondrous (super)natural phenomena described in any D&D planar book, but I think some sorts of dubious relics are in order here, just like in the real world. Accoutrements of gods? Maybe even relics of martyred ones?