
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Weird Adventures: Sample Pages

Time for another Weird Adventures update.  I thought you guys might like to see some of the finished (or hopefully finished) pages.  The layout was done by my good friend, Jim Shelley.  My concept was that each section would sort of resemble a story in a pulp magazine in layout.  Jim pulled that off wonderfully!

These first two pages are from the section on the New World:

Daniel Kopalek's artwork looks great there, doesn't it?

This last is from the section on the Union (other than the City, which has it's own section):

More to come.  Stay tuned! 


  1. These look great! When will this be finished? :)

  2. Wicked Awesome Trey! Cant wait to see the finished product.

  3. Magnificent! Really looking forward to the finished product!

  4. I agree with the above, looks great and awesome. Looking forward to the release.

  5. That is great artwork, really good especially the 2nd page.

  6. It has just the right feel. I want to pluck it off the screen and read it through.

  7. Fantastic! Sometime this summer?

  8. Very exciting. Cannot wait to see the finished book.

  9. The project just looks better and better. Great stuff, Trey.

  10. Holy wow! That looks amazing!!!

  11. Thanks guys. I just got home after being either in airports or on airplanes since noon yesterday (Honolulu time) and then a car ride from Charlotte. To come back to the blogosphere to a response like this is gratifying to say the least!

    To those you asked: Yeah I'm looking at summer for the release. I had hoped to have it out the end of spring, but summer seems a safer bet. I want to make sure ist's a product worth the wait. :)

  12. looks snazzy. Hooray for hobgoblin hobos!

  13. So how much is this going to cost me Trey? I'm I going to have to sell my soul to the Hell syndicates?

  14. Nice teaser! How many pages is this looking like now? Do you know what size format you'll use?

  15. @Needles - Hopefully not. :) Exact price is yet to be determined, but it will be priced to own. ;)

    @ze bulette - I'm not completely sure of exact page count yet (still writing! and pictures usage plays a a part), but my estimate based on what's been laid out so far is a bit over 100 pages. I'll say more as things progress. Size is going to be 6" x 9".

  16. Any possibility of copies at Origins? Gen Con?

  17. Hopefully it will be done by Gen Con, but I won't be making it to the convention.
