So it looks like the orders of Weird Adventures are getting out there. Over in the Land of Nod, Matt had some kind words. It's got Bill the Dungeonmaster fired up over at The Crown and the Ring, and Jack, spinner of Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque, has got a copy in his hands.
1 day ago
Got mine last night. Really, really nice. Hope to have the review finished by tomorrow.
Having the hardback in hand at this moment, it really is quite stunning. Hats off for letting your children out into this cold world.
Got mine yesterday! Awesome stuff.
Got an email last night to say mine had been posted - so hopefully tomorrow or Thursday. :)
My copy is on its way. Should be sometime this week. Looking forward to reading it on the tube :)
Hard-copies ready now? Awesome.
Sick as hell today, but Ivy is supposed to go to the mailbox after she gets out of work. I hope they're there.
Should be getting mine anytime now. I'm excited to have the hardcopy version!
@Booberry, @Chris, @Wulfgar - Ah, good to hear. I had these vague fears that the quality controls might vary and even though the proofs looked good that the covers would be shifted or something. Lightning Source wanting such broad margins on the cover made us nervous. Look forward to the review, Boo.
Hopefully the rest of you guys will get them soon.
I ordered mine on either a friday or saturday and received it on the tuesday following. I have it at my office showing it off whenever I get a chance :P
Very pleased with the quality of the book itself as well.
So you felt like your maps turned out pretty well then? Cool.
Like I said, my group went gaga over this. Most of them played in a short-lived pulp game I ran over a year ago, and have been begging me to resurrect. I may have to go one better and run Pulp D&D.
That's weird, I posted a comment and it vanished. Just like that. Gone.
Went to the post tonight and picked up the books. Great job, looks fantastic.
Go you. Rah.
That's weird. Anyway, glad you got the book. It will give Tim something to read as he convalesces.
I'd just spent a bunch of money when you announced it was out, so I've been putting off buying it until I could rationalize it more easily. However I've had the order page open in Firefox the whole time, calling me, so I suspect I'll succumb to its siren song soon.
Got mine this weekend, still reading it!
Mine has shipped, but it'll probably be another couple of weeks before it arrives. As Tom Petty said, 'the waiting is the hardest part.'
@Canageek - The beauty of print on demand is it doesn't go out of print. :)
@Pat - Great!
@Sean - Do they deliver via dog sled up there in the wilds of Borea? ;)
Still waiting for mine, but that's what I get for choosing Media Mail! Can't wait!
James - Frugality is important. :)
Not a hardback, alas, but I did just get the pdf version. Looking forward to reading it very much.
I can't fault an environmental sensibility.
d12 reasons to buy Weird Adventures
Coolness. Thanks!
Mine arrived safe and sound today. Looks great :)
Great! Let us know what you think after you've had a chance to dive in.
Got it the day after I posted, been too damn busy to more than flip through it. Beautiful book! Very well manufactured, too, I am very pleased with the print job.
Now to just find a Website where I can buy more TIME so I can read it thoroughly!
Great! I'll get to work on the time manipulation technology..
I decided that I'd buy the hardback when I got a job, since I knew I'd get some money this summer then.
I got an offer this morning. While I haven't decided to accept it yet, it means I WILL be getting paid this summer.
I just got the confirmation email saying my copy is on the way. For the record shipping to Canada is only $6 or so.
Congratulations on the job!
And I hope you enjoy the hardcover. :)
Product Weird Adventures has shipped.
Date Shipped: 2012-02-02
Shipped via: Lettermail Priority Packet
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Hurry up and ARRIVE! This setting is why I read this blog! *bounces off the walls*
Also: you have excellent timing starting doing more Strange New World posts: I will find my favourites are the ones similar to Monster Canyon, and would love more of those.
Now if you did a GUPRS version of it I'd probably die of happiness, so perhappes that is a good thing.
@Canageek - I've got some more posts like that (or at least, I think they're like that) upcoming.
I could do some GURPS notes--of course, SJG from frown on a book. :)
Mine came last week (hardcover). Absolutely luxurious! Slowly working my way through.
Would love to hear in blog posts about any particular rules systems or adaptations you use with the setting. Psyching myself up to run it for kids using OD&D. Might have to move to a smaller city that I know better than NYC, at least to start.
Cool! Let us know what you think when you've had time to digest it.
The smaller City is a good idea, I think.
I'll probably be posting more on that as I get geared up to run a game. Right now (and this is always subject to change) I'm thinking of running it in Lorefinder (the Pathfinder/GUMSHOE mashup). Pathfinder is a little more fiddley that ideal for me, but I really want to check out the investigation mechanics in GUMSHOE (but won't more robust combat than the main game) and the mean streets of the City are a great place for a mystery.
@Trey: Unless of course you get a few hundred fans emailing them asking them to publish a GURPS book and give you nice fat check to doso ;)
Step 1: We need to get you a few hundred fans.
Ha! Yeah, under those circumstances, I'd glad do that. I've been a longtime GURPS fan, though I haven't played much under the 4 ed.
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