This is a map of the world of Ghita of Alizarr, a Sword & Sorcery character created by Frank Thorne, debuting in Warren's 1984 #7. Thorne had worked on Marvel's Red Sonja, but Ghita is much racier fare. Eventually, Thorne got around to providing a map--and here it is, suitable for game usage:
Oh, and here's the text that accompanied the map to give the "flavor" of the strip:
11 minutes ago
There are times in b/w page where you can't really tell Ghita and Sonja apart.
I enjoyed the Ghits comics. But I could not help but think Thorne drew himself in as an old wizard a little too often.
The flavor strip sounds like lyrics from a heavy metal back in the way back. Map is very cool. I wish I could draw maps from that perspective. As for the comic, no nothing about it, but the map is cool.
Sexual confusion?
@Jack - I don't know. From the stories, that doesn't seem to be something she's particularly concerned out.
It makes it sound like she has gender dysmorphia, which I am pretty sure (wight unseen) isn't in the comic.
It does make it sound that way. I think they may mean: "confused about who she might have sex with yet."
That's a really nice map. Looks like it'd make a fun place to go adventuring.
Struggling with the specter of Khan-Dagon would probably fling anyone into the sapphic despond.
Ain't that the truth.
The small village named "Pini" is a dead giveaway as to the origins of Ghita...
Good point!
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