
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Free RPG Day is Over, but...

...There's still some free and low-dough cool stuff to be had. "Like what?" you ask. Well, there's Clatterdelve, a free old school mini-adventure from your friends at Hereticwerks. While you're there, check out the other free stuff in the widget on the right hand side.

When your done there, stroll over to Tim Shorts's Gothridge Manor Patreon page and pledge what you like to support his series of mini-adventures. If you don't already know Tim's work from The Manor 'zine, you should probably check that out, too.


  1. Thanks for the shout out Trey and becoming a patron. You'll be getting a little something something in the mail this week.

  2. Thanks for the shout out. We have a few more things in the works...
