
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Azurth Adventure Digest

Here's the cover for the upcoming Azurth Adventure Digest (still a couple of months away). Jason Sholtis provides a great rendition of some angry Candy Islanders.

The planned contents of the digest are: Random tables for generating Motley Pirates and pirate captains, random weird encounters in the Boundless Sea, thumbnail descriptions of a handful of interesting islands, a few NPC write-ups, and the Candy Isle adventure locale. Internal art and cartography will mostly be Jeff Call, who did Mortzengersturm. It will be available in pdf and print at 5.5 x 7.75" size.

Here's part of the Candy Island Temple as rendered by Jeff


  1. Looks delightful. Love that cover.

  2. Yep. You can read about my home groups adventure there here.

  3. I love the Gold Key Comics Digest style cover! Takes to me back to my childhood (he said sheepishly). ��
