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Art by Dean Kotz |
F EX (10)
A RM (30)
S GD (10)
E RM (30)
R GD (10)
I GD (10)
P EX (20)
Health: 90
Karma: 40
Real Name: Kelli Cross
Occupation: College student, roller derby player
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of the U.S. with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Walter Rush (grandfather)
Base of Operations: Sparkle City, California
Group Affiliation: Super-Sentinels
Hyper Speed. The magic roller skates increase her reaction time to an Unearthly degree, allowing the following abilities:
- Delivering one hundred Good blows per turn.
- Perceiving an catching high velocity objects with Unearthly ease
- Airskating: Remarkable speed by rapidly fanning her feet and arms.
- Waterskating: Unearthly speed by skimming along on surface tension
- Extra attacks with Unearthly ability or multiple attacks that inflict up to Unearthly damage, ignoring body armor (only one to hit roll is made).
- Create cyclones for Excellent damage and Unearthly stunning or slamming
- Wallskating (500 feet with a 1000-foot approach)
- Invisibility by moving extremely fast, Red intuition FEAT to notice
- One must make a Red FEAT to hit Rocket with anything other than an area effect or Psychic attack. If he is making multiple attacks against the same target the FEAT is reduced to Yellow.
- Considered Amazing rank for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading.
- Considered Amazing rank for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
- Considered Monstrous rank for Intuition for initiative.
- She may perceive any object's momentum as though it were 14CS slower than it's actual movement speed. E.g: Arrows and bullet sized objects appear moving at 5 m/ph
- Rocket is considered to have Unearthly Endurance for movement and tiring purposes, while wearing her skates.
- Unearthly resistance to friction
Kelli began fighting crime in Southern California as the new Rocket and later became a member of the Super-Sentinels.
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