
Friday, April 24, 2020

Sinbad's Seventh Voyage Mapped

"Unfathomable" Jason Sholtis clued me in to this cool map from the Dell Comics' adaptation of The 7th Voyage of Sinbad. It seems perfect for an adventure or island crawl.


  1. Thank you (and Jason) for this map. It is veritably asking for D&D to happen in it!

    I never knew about the Dell Comics Sinbad. In the late 70s, however, I was a huge fan of the Harryhausen Sinbad films.

    As a 3rd grader, my friends and I would hop on the No. 6 bus and watch Sinbad and Godzilla Saturday matinee movies. When we got back to one of our houses, a plastic soldier toy would stand in for Sinbad and would wander, Odysseus-like, back to Baghdad through our islands of wooden-block ruins haunted by rocs and other monsters (pterandon and dinosaur toys)


  2. I love 7th Voyage (well, all Sinbad films really). It directly inspired much of my Five Ancient Kingdoms game. Would love to get my hands on those old Dell comics.

    I have a copy of Jason's Operation Unfathomable on my bedside table as I type this. Great minds...

  3. I love how many cool maps you seem to find!
