Artist Jeff Nelson has imagined Marvel's Microverse from the Micronauts comic as islands in a sea. Only tangentially related, but this reminds me how the Microverse would be a good Spelljammer setting.
11 hours ago
Artist Jeff Nelson has imagined Marvel's Microverse from the Micronauts comic as islands in a sea. Only tangentially related, but this reminds me how the Microverse would be a good Spelljammer setting.
Gives off kind of a Flash Gordon Mongo vibe, that.
One of Marvel's best "toy" comics, easily up there with Rom.
Fantastic re-skin...and in many ways better (I always disliked how one could simply "drive" from one zone to the next in the comics). I say that as a long-time lover and collector of Micronauts (comics and the original toys).
@ Dick: definitely gets more of a Mongo vibe when you put all the zones on a single planet.
RE: Spelljammer
Not a *terrible* idea, but SJ has always felt more "pirate" to me, and I don't see much about the Micronauts as "pirate," despite being a rather motley crew. Yeah, they're adventurers, but not in the treasure-hunter sense of the term.
Maybe Spelljamming Micronauts as Star Trek pastiche, sailing boldly where others fear to go?
Well, said the Microverse as a Spelljammer setting, not the Micronauts as Spelljammer characters, but that's interesting. I have to say, I've never really though of Spelljammer as a setting to pay pirates. I've always seen it more Traveller or the Adventures of Han Solo that Pirates of the Caribbean. It certainly isn't a stretch, that's just has been what it occurred to me to do with it.
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