
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Every Picture Tells A Story

Here are some pics I gathered.  Some were snagged for posts already written, but unused.  Others have yet to find their proper place...

The streets of Terminus, in southern Arn, at nightfall...

An audience with an Onirean potentate...

Pnathfrem Lloigor, crime boss in Terminus, finds your story dubious...

Eerily, the Priest-King's concubine looks just as she must have in life, despite the millenia that have passed...


  1. The last one is particularly inspiring! Curious about the source?

  2. It's from the the 1971 Hammer horror film Blood from the Mummy's Tomb. The fetching creature reclining in the sarcophagi is the lead actress Valerie Leon.

  3. Makes me want to reacquaint myself with Hammer horror
