
Friday, March 4, 2011

Adventures in One Panel

Here again are some vignettes clipped from Golden Age (mostly) comics chosen for adventure inspiration.  I've placed them in the world of the City, but they could take place almost anywhere...

Ominous rumors surround the Mircalla Karnstein Finishing School for Young Ladies. 

The new ape at the Empire Park Zoo was certainly unusual--more unsual than anyone could have imagined.  Who could've guessed he was the last of a prehuman race of simian sorcerers?  That is, until it was too late...

Kidnapped beauties plus a lecherous lich equals a bizarre pangeant with a macabre first prize.

Illegally imported Vegepygmeus anthrophagi pods turn a rich man's greenhouse into a slaughterhouse.


  1. Vignette 1 and 2 would be perfect for skirmishing, rescue missions more so than anything else.

  2. Great stuff! My fav is the finishing school with the Ditko drawing but they're all good!

  3. @Lurker - They would work for that definitely, but I think othet sorts of encounters are possible given when the PCs intersect the events. 1, for instance, could have some build-up investigation. 2 might involve a multiple encounter zoo-crawl.

    @bliss_infinite - Yeah, that Ditko piece is definitely the most evocative art of the bunch.

  4. This is awesome! I'm really new to your blog, so this is the first time I've seen this "theme" of posting old comics panels for inspirations.

    Very clever. Love that you're using a lot of Golden Age stuff. By sheer coincidence, I'm currently "reading" a DC Comics Golden Age Panel-A-Day book. Basically, for each day of the year, they focus on a different panel from DC's Golden Age and talk about it a little bit. It's a pretty fun way to start the day.

    Anyway, thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Hey Martin, thanks for stopping by.

    This is actually just the second time I've done this (I think), though I guess I've done similar things before.

    I haven't heard of A Golden Age Panel A Day but it sounds interesting.

  6. Excellent. Going into my mental "stuff I've stolen and will bubble up to the surface later" file. Gratiae!

  7. Thanks, Alexey. Glad you like it.

  8. Please keep these coming. I absolutely, positively adore them.

    (Covers from old "off-brand" monster magazines work wonders, too.)

  9. Definitely, or old men's advenutre mags.

    Glad you like 'em!
