
Friday, August 5, 2011

Catching Up on a Friday

If (unlike Bingo here) you want some rpg related readings for your Friday, I've got a few suggestions:

Over at Fame & Fortune, Satyre offers a free pdf of his always interesting taverns--these having the added twist of being cave-based.

R.W. Chandler reaches into the Black Hole Diaries and produces a cool, steampunkian pocket rpg--Gaslite.

In the realm of four-color adventure, I did a guest post for Jim at the Flashback Universe--part 1 of the untold history of the Fantastic Four from a perspective within the Marvel Universe.  It might be inspirational for some supers games.


  1. Mornin' Trey. Friday here as well. Miss Wiggy's had me awake since 4:30, so I thought I'd get a jump on work. Woohoo.

    Hope it doesn't hit 104 by you today. Wishing you a fun and productive Friday.


  2. Good stuff, I'll have to run that bone dice story now.

  3. Bingo reading a playboy. Man, our Saturday morning cartoons were so cool.

  4. @iNews - Yeah, check the links out.

    @Whisk - Wow, you beat me "second job" days where I'm up at 5. Today I slept in to my usual 6. It's suppose to only be a "cool" 97 today. Hope you have a good day, too.

    @Angry Lurker - Your fans demand it! ;)

    @Tim - I'm sure he was just reading the articles. ;) Still, I suspect Bingo was always hiding his bloodshot eyes from all night debauchery behind those shades he always wears.

  5. Thanks for the linkage, Trey. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth I was finally able to get a version suitable for download and printing prepared. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  6. 6? That's like sleeping in. I thought of you when Miss Wiggy got me up so flip floppin' early. I wondered if you were on your way to work already.

    Hope your Saturday is good. I'm cleaning the kitchen today. And then later I get to give Miss Wiggy bath and scrub the toilets.

    Oh will the fun ever end?

  7. @Whisk - I can only imagine you are healthy, wealthy, and wise if 6is late to you. My Saturday was good other than having to replace my car battery in the heat--but at least I have a functioning vehicle now. :)

  8. Car battery. Yikes. Hope it didn't cost too much.

    Slept in today. Wig got me up at 7:30 and then I went back to bed until 9:30.

    Ah, the good life.

    Have a groovy Sunday.

  9. It wasn't too bad.

    I hope you enjoy you're "lazy" Sunday. ;)

  10. I didn't get much done but it was nice to veg. Miss Wiggy got me up too early today. Still sleepy.

    Have a groovy Monday.
