
Monday, August 1, 2011

In Place of a Dark Lord...A Queen

In the tradition of the Moon Men and the Brain Parasite, here’s a another mechanically-unaltered monsters with a new look. This one gets a sexy makeover...

A strange excitement seemed to pass through the loathsome little folk. They paused in tormenting the surviving townspeople and looting the dead and turned to gaze with adoration in the direction of their approaching mistress. Bowing and genuflecting, they crept from her path as she moved, languid and insolent, into the midst of the captive folk. Her lips curled in a cruel smile as she regard one frightened stable boy, lifting his chin with a finger to look into his eyes.

The strange dark creepers need master to serve, but perhaps the dark stalker can be replaced by a dread queen--a Goblin Queene? The Queen is more likely to lead from the rear, preferring to use her darkness abilities to escape should the need arise, but she still have poison to fall back on if necessary.

Where do the goblin queens come from? There existence may suggest that dark creeper society (and biology) resembles eusocial insects--or more likely mammals like the naked mole rat.  Another possibility is the the queens are humans kidnapped as children and raised for their role among the creepers.  Or maybe they're not human at all, despite appearances, and have some supernatural origin?

Of course, one could use the dark creepers with my humanoid swarm as a manifestation of the onset of puberty idea, too.


  1. I'd follow her and the creepers but then I'm a fool and a man.

  2. Great way to flip the dark stalker!

  3. Dark Stalker's hobbies: calling you Burlappen, clipping old ladies to dumpsters by their teeth.

  4. Nice idea & cool. The Goblin Queen idea is very cool. They might be a strain or bloodline with this curse. Only the red haired girls have this curse or some other trait in a particular family

  5. @Angry Lurker - Nobody's perfect, my friend. At least you're aware of your limitations.

    @Roger - Thanks.

    @Chris - Good to know.

    @Needles - Good questions!

  6. Really cool idea. I also just looked at the picture you have on your "A Plague of Goblins" post too, and that made me think, what if the goblin bites contaminate that victim and transform her into their queen? A swarm of goblin children creating the mother of the next generation?

    As always, great stuff you've got here.

  7. I take it this is the quote you based the title on: "'And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!'"

  8. @Bard - Ah! Good thought. :)

    @C'norr - Yep. :)

  9. Another one out of the ballpark, Trey, awesome idea.

  10. Did you accidentally post Warlord Wednesday too early?

  11. I did thanks to my sticky cursor, so I whisked it back. Wednesday has to come in its own time. :)

  12. Holy boobs, Batman. I came by to say hello to a few bloggers since I haven't been on much this last week, and what do I find? Knocker City. You probably made Lurker's Day.

    Hope you're doing well, Trey. Have a groovy day.

  13. Hey, Whisk. Yes, Lurker is a man that knows what he likes. Not many breasts on FtSS in a while, so I needed to catch up. ;)

    I hope you have a groovy day as well.

  14. I did have a groovy day. Got to work from home because I had off from the fabric shop. Hope yours was just as fun.
