
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pop Quiz

Somehow this middle school City History Quiz circa 5888 slipped between dimensions and into my possession.  Number two pencils ready? 

Answers below...

1. C: Wychwire was so charismatic people often didn't notice the "irregularity" of his left lower appendage.  A cast of his hoofprint is on display at the City Historical Museum.

2. A: Who would give a vorpal sword away? And the Natives were unlikely to want Dwergen brides.

3. D. I'd like to think he reconsidered his frugalness in his last moments--but maybe not.

4. C. The "Golem of Capitalism" was reportedly gold-plated and had the head of a bull--or so the folk song goes.

5. A. There's a fanciful statue commemorating that sagacious serpent in Eldside Park.


  1. Man, I had 4 out of 5 right. I think #4 was a trick question.

  2. I would of got No.1 right just as a guess. Good stuff.

  3. That was just too much fun. I got 3/5, so I suppose I barely pass with a D- (in the U.S. system anyway)?

  4. @Tim - I think your right. Poorly designed test.

    @Angry Lurker - Thanks.

    @Bard -Glad you liked it. I'd say that a damn good score for history of an alternate world. ;)

  5. Nice prop. I've joked before at a gaming table that the names of the PCs in the game would be on a high school multiple choice test several hundred years into the campaign world's future.

  6. Thanks. I guess how great an honor being memorialized on a multiple choice test is depends on the context. :)

  7. not quite good at this area...but nice blog!

  8. Nice background prop man! Very good I got four out of five right. Then I've been visiting this City for awhile now. ;)
