
Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

In honor of Veterans Day here are a few of comics' stellar servicemen...

Where else to begin, but with Sargeant Joe Rock? The Rock of Easy Company fought his way through World War II--and beyond.  Brave and the Bold #108 had him teaming up with Batman to take on the Devil.

Captain Simon Savage may not be as well known as Sgt. Rock or Sgt. Fury, but he also led an eccentric commando squad known as the "Leatherneck Raiders." Those soldiers knew how to surf--which puts them one up on the Howlin' Mad Commandos.

Captain Ulysses "Gravedigger" Hazard outdoes them all.  He overcame polio and racism to become a one-man special forces unit and even led Easy Company briefly--but only after he broke into the Pentagon just to prove himself!

Happy Veterans Day to all the nonfictional veterans, too.


  1. And let's not forget Lt. Jeb Stuart and The Haunted Tank from G.I. Combat!

  2. @Sean- Very true. Though I think I gave the Haunted Tank it's due on Confederate Memorial Day, which happens to be a holiday in this state.

  3. The "realistic" military comics never did anything for me as a kid...but I giddily read anything "weird war" related: G.I. Robot, Creature Commandos, etc.

  4. Aah Joe Rock. Thank you for remembering him :D
