
Monday, October 29, 2012

Monstrous Monday: Jumpin' Jack

He attacked women in the night in the streets of Victorian London, slashing them with knives or claws. He was said to be of hideous, inhuman appearance and able to make superhuman leaps and even breath fire.  Like that other guy a half-century later, he was christened "Jack."  Spring-heeled Jack.

Beneath a black cloak, Spring-heeled Jack wears a slick outfit like an oilskin (or maybe latex or some alien material?) and a helmet. He's said to have eyes like balls of fire and a diabolic countenance. His hands end in metallic claws. Unlike the latter day Jack, the Spring-Heeled gent seems more interested in causing fear than murder. He slashes victims' clothes, claws at them, then bounds away, disappearing to the night.

Read more about his exploits here.

Spring-Heeled Jack 
AC 4  HD 4  #Attacks: 1 claw +1 to hit (2d4) or breath  Special: Fearful Countenance: as per fear spell on a failed save; Leaping: can jump 20 ft. vertically or horizontally; Fire-breathing: 10 ft. cone, 2d6 fire dmg. (save for half) once every 1d4 rounds.

Follow the links below for more MONSTROUS Monday!


  1. Very cool. Kind of a "Jumpin' Jack Slash."

  2. I love Spring Heeled Jack.

    I really need to stat him up for Ghosts of Albion someday.

    Thanks so much for your monster and for participating.

  3. @Bard - Now I'm picturing him with a top hat, sunglasses, and a pet boa.

    @Timothy - You're welcome. Yeah, Ghosts would be just the place for Jack.

  4. God that's creepy. Would make an excellent movie...

    Nice monster pick.

  5. "Spring-Heeled Jack", that is just too creepy! Brilliant choice.

  6. Interesting, a new monster, to me. I'm listening to the sounds of the storm and am thankful to still have power. It's amazing how low these trees can bend. Sorry, Sandy is the monster of current concern. Be safe all!

    Good choice, thanks for the introduction!

  7. Thanks for stopping by guys!

    @Yolanda - You be safe, too.

  8. Spring-Heeled Jack is a great monster, especially in a place like The City...

  9. Interesting choice! He's been the subject of several books lately.

  10. Very clever. Not yet as famous as the 'other' Jack, but maybe getting there.

  11. Creepy dude. Ooo, I have to check out your strange adventures.

  12. I think spring heel Jack was onto something. Imagine the terror of being slashed, alive, in pain, and not knowing who, what or why.

  13. @jeremy - I think you're right about the terror it would produce. He's not the first slasher in London either. There was the London Monster of 1789-1790.
