
Monday, November 12, 2012


"The Blank" is the name given to an individual (or more likely, a series of individuals) responsible for sporadic crimes in the City. The Blank appears as the outline of a person; otherwise they are completely white and featureless, like a figure left unfinished in the painting of the world.

In addition his unusual appearance, the Blank is resistant to harm and capture. He walks away from gunfire or other assaults that should have been fatal. Magic likewise seems unable to effect him directly.

What is unknown to the authorities (and perhaps everyone but the person who currently has it) is that the blank effect is the result of a magic item:  A silvery dinner suit, flashy like something a stage performer might wear. When the suit is donned, the person wearing it can watch in a mirror as they "fade" into the blank.

Attempts to discover the suits origins prove fruitless. The tag is worn, but appears to list it's manufacturer as "NOX." No clothier of that name is known.

In addition to making the wearer unrecognizable (and having the side effect of distorting their voice), the wearer has AC 0 and takes half damage from any mundane weapon. Magical weapons deal "normal" weapon damage without any bonuses. The wearer is also immune to any directly aimed magic. Magics that deal damage through a physical effect (like a fireball) can effect the wearer at half damage.

While wearing the suit an individual is able to perceive the etheric layers of the Material plane and with experience, the near Astral. The kaleidoscope of lurid colors and outre images can be highly disorienting until a wearer become use to it.


  1. Now we know what happened to Kreskin. One of his shiny suits got him.

    Interesting concept. Nox is probably one of those sweatshops neat Horboxon that only appears at night.

  2. Kind of the antithesis of a 'Sharp Dressed Man,' but in a really good way...

  3. That image seems very familiar. Where does it come from?

    Also, the ability to pierce the dimensions seems like a perfect adventure hook in and of itself. A mark of a well-designed item, to be sure.

  4. @robert - Which one? The top is from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. The bottom is from Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion #8.

  5. I definitely recognized the Blank from the old West Coast Avengers comic and Gruenwald's Encyclopedia.

    What I couldn't place was the one from Forbidden Tales. Thanks for that!
