
Monday, May 6, 2013

Mountain Lair Map

Remember back in the early days of the "War on Terror" when bin Laden was suppose to have a cool super-villain (or orc chieftain, what have you) lair beneath a mountain in a cave complex called Tora Bora ("Black Cave" in Pashto, which only adds to the mystique)? Turns out that wasn't true, but in the those days of fevered speculation, the Times of London produced this cool cross-section:

Obviously, you could put some sort of terrorist mastermind there, but it could also double as the sanctum of Cthulhu cultists or goblins, or whatever. Reality's loss is your game's gain!


  1. I like the narrator in the corner. It is an interesting map. I could see this as a cultist headquarters.

  2. Used that very map the other year in my Villains & Vigilantes campaign - it was the hideout for a supervillain that the heroes were sent to apprehend by their world's equivalent of SHIELD. He (of course) turned out to be an alternate-universe version of one of the player-characters!

  3. @Tim - Yeah, it makes me think more maps should have a narrator.

    @Tim Knight - Man, that sounds like an awesome game!

  4. Cool map. Reminds me of the Suicide Squad comic for some reason. Jotunheim, I think the villain base was called...

  5. One of the great joys of the superhero genre is messing with the player-characters ;)

  6. You too, huh? I tried to find a map of Jotunheim to go with it, but there doesn't appear to be one.

  7. Very cool idea. I wonder how many other such maps are out there just waiting for gamers to appropriate...

  8. More and more, I imagine, as things shift to the internet.

  9. "The Americans are attacking! You, haul this Stinger missile up those 1,100 feet of stairs!"

    "Aww, man."

  10. "Exits are hidden like Adam West's Batcave."

  11. @Legion - Should have put in a dumb waiter.

    @Michael - How do you say "Road Closed" in Pashto?
