
Friday, September 27, 2013

Mapping Terra Incognita

Not getting all the map posting out of my system with yesterday's post, I figured I would follow it up with another today. This is Pal-ul-don from Tarzan the Terrible, as expanded by Dell Comics' Tarzan's Jungle Annual #1. Pal-ul-don is located in Africa and has carnivorous triceratops, among other things. You could locate it anywhere you wanted, of course, but you probably want to keep the carnivorous triceratops.

West side:

East side:


  1. "...but you probably want to keep the carnivorous triceratops."

    Sniff, sniff...he KNOWS me!

    (And 1" = 40 miles? Man, that place is HUGE...making it appropriate that every West Side beastie seems to be of Harryhausen-esque proportions.)

  2. Yet it all manages to stay hidden somewhere in Africa. Odd, isn't it?

  3. Would you happen to know where this in relation to Bengali? I used to have a poster-sized map of it in my room when I was a kid.

  4. This one, actually.

  5. In our world, Pal-ul-don is sort of central Southern Africa--somewhere West of Lake Tanganyika. In the realm of the imagination, I wouldn't be surprise if it overlapped with the Phantom's Bengali.

  6. I stiched the two sides together and posted it on plus, kind of sloppy, though.

  7. Another great map, pair of maps. This should be a fun project!

  8. I want to know more about that T-Rex dungeon, er, "crossword puzzle" in the lower corner.
