
Sunday, November 23, 2014

It Came from the 80s

You never know where you might find a map usual for a game.

Need of village of nonhumans to visit/slaughter. How about a smurf village?

Need an Under(not so)dark or a small scale wilderness pointcrawl? Visit Fraggle Rock.


  1. Cool! I always wanted to slaughter a village full of smurfs! :)

    (My sister and I always had fights over the TV set. She wanted to watch the smurfs; I wanted to watch just about anything else).

  2. I have always found the world of Fraggle Rock endlessly evocative. With the amazing size of Gorg World, the mystery of the endless tunnels and so much more.

  3. @Chris - So a revenge slaughter, then.
    @seaofstarsrpg - I agree.

  4. I'm shocked that a module/adventure based on visiting destruction upon a smurf-hamlet hasn't been done already...

  5. I am actually playing an rpg I developed myself with some close friends and my daughters. Smurf are highly important in this game, the evildoers want to drain their blood to power their machines... fraggle rock is an excellent idea that I am going to steal. :)
