
Monday, June 6, 2016

I Was Going to Stat These Guys for 5e...

...but I was too tired after getting home from NTrpgcon, so "Toast" and "Toast, Burnt" will have to wait. I did not get the Field Guide to Encounters (where those two "monsters" come from), but I did get this other old Judge's Guild stuff from the con: Shield Maidens of Sea Rune and Operation Ogre. The former is part of the Wilderlands, the latter has a fairytalish cover and a modernish title and content that doesn't really match either. In fact, Siembieda draws a completely different sort of ogre on the cover than the interior. I also picked up what a think is the last of the Talislanta books I didn't have, Thystram's Collectanea, and the Role-Aids supplement, Undead.

I demured from Chaosium's Thieves' World Companion and some Japanese D&D modules, mostly due to price--beyond the quite reasonable objection that I wouldn't use them. Not a bad haul, though.


  1. Looking forward to hearing more about your acquisitions and what they inspire.

    Glad you had fun.

  2. Oh, man. I wanted those Japanese D&D modules so bad!

  3. Thieves' World would have been difficult for me to pass on. Hopefully next year I can make it down there.

  4. It was the $200 price tag that stopped me. It would be great if you could make it down!
