
Friday, May 19, 2017

Mortzengersturm Sales and Shipping

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My pre-convention stock of Mortzengersturm is out--but if you didn't get a copy yet, don't despair, I may well have some available after NTrpgcon.

Over half of the orders have shipped as of this week, so if you haven't gotten yours it may be coming soon. I am on target to ship the rest before May 29.


  1. If I may post an endorsement, the print book put a big smile on my face. It is delightful. Reading it, seeing the creativity, looking at the Bill-Peet-esque art, thinking about the scenario here, which is both classic and fresh - all of it put a big smile on my face. Thank you for making this, and thank you for printing it up as a comic book.

  2. Thanks, Anne! That's great to hear. I'll relay you compliments to Jeff, whose responsible for the artwork, too.
