
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Weird Revisited: Reskinned!

The original version of this post appeared in May of 2012...

The usual D&D races getting more than a little stale? Just give them a makeover and keep the old mechanics.  Try these knew visuals on for size:

For Elves:
Insect(-ish) men.

For Halflings:
Satyr-like guys.

For Half-Orcs:
Hairy hominids.

For Warforged:

Okay, that last one may be a bit of a stretch, but only a little.


  1. Mildly depressing that I owned every one of those comics as a kid. Even Sectaurs. Lovely Mike Golden cover on Rom, there.

  2. I recognize the satyr-dude, but can’t for the life of me remember who/what he that a Dreadstar character?

    Sectaurs was one of this really weird ideas that probably went too far with their theme (bug people that ride bugs and have bugs for pets, etc). I thought the concept worked just fine with Marvel’s Micronauts. But kind of a strange idea for a toy line.

  3. Actually I don’t have a clue about the third image...Komandi?

    Man, I loved Rom back in the day.

  4. The satyr guy is from Adam Warlock. The Kirby image is from Devil Dinosaur.

  5. Awesome! I had almost all of those as a kid!
