
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday Comics: A Bigger Comic Book Implosion

In 2018, TwoMorrows released Comic Book Implosion by Keith Dallas and John Wells, which was an oral history of the DC's 1978 plan for an "Explosion" that ended in failure: The DC Implosion. I talked about the book here.

This year, Dallas and Wells are back with an expanded edition, this one with color. I haven't read it yet, but Amazon tells me it has "additional coverage of lost 1970s DC projects like Ninja the Invisible and an adaptation of “The Wiz,” Jim Starlin’s unaltered cover art for Batman Family #21."

I'm eager to check it out.


  1. Think you forgot the link to your post about the original edition?

    The new one sounds great. Would love to see the original Starlin cover on Batman Family, and as childhood reader of both books the Godzilla and Ms. Marvel unpublished content is very intriguing. It's easy to forget that the Implosion affected the whole industry to some degree, not just DC.

  2. Fixed it. That's a good point, and this work also mentions some Marvel plans that never came to pass in that period.

  3. I have the original edition. Is it worth buying the new one? I really enjoyed the book and Jeanette Kahn's transofrmation of DC is of interest to me.

  4. The weather mentioned in the other post was certainly a major factor. I still remember that winter, it was just brutal in the part of NY state I lived in. Think we had more days off at school that year than at any other point in the last century.

    Weird to think of newsstands as really mattering even in the 70s, but the Implosion was still a few years before true comic shops really started becoming widespread. I never even saw a newsstand as such when I was a kid, my comics came from drug and grocery store spinner racks and an increasing number of publisher subscriptions. The first local-ish comic shop appeared in 1980 IIRC, but within three years there were two-three in every city in driving range. The 90s speculator boom killed almost all of them, but the period in between was one hack of a ride.

  5. @Dale - Not sure yet. I'll report back after I review.
    @Dick - Yeah, I didn't much see an actual newsstand either. It was all convenience store spinner racks or grocery store magazine racks prior to 1985 or so.

  6. Heh. I never set foot in a proper convenience store in my childhood. There were none closer than the nearest "big city" for years and my rural home town didn't get one until I left for college in 1984.

  7. No gas station in your hometown? That beats mine. We had 2 when I was growing up--though only one had comics.

  8. In my small town there were spinner racks in 2 drug stores and a grocery store that was hard to get to. There was a bookstore that had a spinner rack exclusively of Squire Christian Comics and a box of used comics.
