
Friday, March 9, 2012

Updates to the Index

In just updated the Weird Adventures Index page with links to some unusual places.  Vacation in devastated Lumiere (pre-War capital of Neustrie) with mutant pigs, mushroom scientists, and a weird glowing blob. 

Or maybe the Planes Beyond are more to your liking? In that case, check out the entry on the idyllic realm of Arcadia, and the therianthropic juke-joints in the Land of Beasts next door.  On the somber side, there's the Plane of Despair.  Shopping opportunities present themselves in Interzone--at least to buy drugs like bug powder and gray dust.

If you'd rather stay home, there are also a couple of posts on guns.

Check those out and more.


  1. Awesome. Thanks Trey, I'll start digging through the index.

  2. This might be an interesting site to get things from... well, sort of.

  3. I need to do an index page. You probably have the same problem as I do, there are so many posts that I can't keep them straight in my memory even.

  4. @Angry Lurker - Only if someone's threatening to shoot you with one. :)

    @Simon - My work blocks that for some reason. I'll have to check it out later.

    @CKutalik - I can usually remember the basic posts, but it certainly helps me keep the details straight. I recommend it.
