Christopher Helton, tabletop gaming writer for the entertainment site Bleeding Cool debuted his first post on self-published rpgs yesterday, shining it's spotlight on Jason Sholtis's Dungeon Dozen, Jack Shear's Planet Motherf*cker, and my very own Weird Adventures. It was great to be asked to participate. The primary result seems to be more traffic to the Weird Adventures Companion post. All I can say guys is: It is coming, but I have no ETA. I'm planning to get it out the door after Strange Stars.
In other self-publishing news, Anthony Hunter (cartographer for Weird Adventures) has launched Sleeping Griffin Productions. He's putting out layered pdf maps various sorts for personal or small press use. Check them out.
6 minutes ago
Heading over to read it now. Very cool Trey...or is it Bleeding Cool? I am now confused.
Thanks, Tim. You've got your own cool self-publishing news today.
I will indeed go check these out.
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