Friday, August 9, 2024

Far Away Land 2e Kickstarter

The Far Away Land has got a Kickstarter for a second edition just in time for it's 10th anniversary. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, is a gonzo fantasy setting with unique art and a vibe a lot like Adventure Time but a flair all its own. It's creator and artist, Dirk Stanley describes it with the elevator pitch: "Imagine Rifts, Dungeons & Dragons, and Adventure Time had a baby," which I think pretty much covers it. 

I always felt like Far Away Land shared a common spirit with my own Land of Azurth, and I've run some of Stanley's adventures to good effect in my home campaign. They are unfailingly imaginative.

The Kickstarter just started but has already funded. Whether you are already a fan or hearing about it for the first time, you might want to check it out. 


Dick McGee said...

Good grief, it's been ten years already? Gods, I feel old. Where does the time go?

Trey said...

If I find out, I'll let you know!