Monday, August 5, 2024

To Catch A Titan

Our Land of Azurth 5e game continued last night with the party having successfully completed their quest to collect all the pieces of the magical armor known as the Quicksilver Panoply from the mind of Gob. They returned to the regular world, only to hear from Princess Viola that the giant automaton they were acquiring the armor to safely control had been stolen by a traitorous gnome artificer, Zobus Bok and a group of mercenaries. 

Bok apparently plans to sell the giant automaton to the Wizard.  Princess Viola wants to party to chase down the automaton and regain control using the armor. She tells them there's a way to get inside the giant from either foot.

After a rest, the party pursues the automation using a device the princess gave them. When it stops to survey a ravine, the party attaches chains to its feet to try to trip it, but that doesn't work. They gain access through the right foot portal, though a gnome guard escapes to raise the alarm.

Traveling up the leg on an internal portal system, they make it to the first floor in the body, where they find a conference room--and an ambush by two tough bravos of the Nighthawk mercenary group. The party's superior numbers carry the day and after looting the bodies, they prepare to proceed upward.


Dick McGee said...

Between Gob and the giant robot this party sure is spending a lot of time delving into innards. I haven't seen so much gut-crawling since we played Eyes of the Stone Thief. Do they technically qualify as internal parasites at this point, I wonder? :)

Also makes me nostalgic for the old Death Duel With the Destroyers module for Villains & Vigilantes. That was my first "fight your way through the inside of a giant mech" experience - and probably the first published example of the trope in all of roleplaying, right? There have been others since, but I'm pretty sure V&V was the original even if the robot wasn't especially big.

Trey said...

Ha! Yeah, they are doing a lot of that lately. I hadn't thought of that V&V nodule, but I bet you are right!