Showing posts with label giants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giants. Show all posts

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Again, The Giants! Collated

Art by Jason Sholtis

Back in 2017, I did a series posts doing adventure sketches re-imaging Against the Giants. Here's the complete list:

Wedding of the Hill Giant Chief

Sanctum of the Stone Giant Space God

Glacial Gallery of the Frost Giant Artist

Friday, August 25, 2017

Mountaintop Chalet of the Frost Giant Czar

ANTIGENCON, GenCon's online evil twin, is going on right now on G+ and as a part of that Jeff Call ran Mountaintop Chalet of the Frost Giant Czar. Jason Sholtis, Michael Gibbons, Chris P. and I played secret agents of the Lawful Church (the Radio Church of Pelor) sent in the rescue a missing bishop.

It was all very James Bond (in the 1967 Casino Royale sense). We pretended to be a wealthy foreigner (Sheik El-Ruptor) and his entourage to gain entrance then proceeded to find our contact and the bishop. We alas did not discover the Czar's evil scheme, but we did set the chalet on fire with dynamite and escape via a ski-lift handcranked by one of our team with a Girdle of Giant Strength and a Haste spell caste on him.

The Czar escaped to no doubt menace parties in the future!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Again, the Giants!: Glacial Gallery of the Frost Giant Artist

This is the third in a series of posts riffing of the giant theme of the classic Against the Giants:
Hightlights include:

1. Dissipated giant scenesters, artistic proteges, and hangers-on.
2. The artist's pet wolf pack.
3. Caves full of unwilling frozen subjects!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Again, the Giants!: Sanctum of the Stone Giant Space God

This is the second in a series of posts riffing of the giant theme of the classic Against the Giants:

Hightlights include:

1. The kirbytech festooned inner chamber of the helf-sleeping stone god--and his powerful telepathic signal.
2. Stone Giant partisans and the PCs with only the vaguest notion of what this alien conflict is about.
3. Weird wandering creatures escaped from some sort of ship collection.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Again, the Giants!: Wedding of the Hill Giant Chief

This is the first in a series (maybe) of posts inspired by the classic Against the Giants:

Highlights include:

1. Hill-billy Hill Giant father-in-law keeping the groom under lock and key so there's no cold feet!
2. Monstrous would-be Mother-in-Law!
3. Battle-hardened bridesmaids at a bachelorette party bash!
4. The Ettin moonshiner cooking up his "Catoblepas Kick" for the festivities.
5. And of course, the clan's prize pigs!