Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wednesday Comics: DC, February 1982 (week 3)

My goal: read DC Comics' output from January 1980 (cover date) to Crisis! This week, I'm looking at the comics at newsstands around November 19, 1981.

Brave & the Bold #182: Kraar and Infantino team-up Batman and the Riddler to follow the clues and find kidnapped mystery novelist Hugh Creighton. Well, Batman wants to find the novelist; the Riddler wants to take down the crook who's jacking his style. Turns out Creighton is behind it all, and wants revenge on Batman who he feels upstaged him. He would have gotten away with it, too, if the Riddler hadn't saved Batman from the deathtrap.

In the Nemesis backup, the hitman Greyfox manages track down Nemesis through his helicopter and lays a trap.

Legion of Super-Heroes #283: Levitz comes on board as writer with Broderick on art, and things immediately get a little better. The Legion must stop a band of organleggers from making off with organs from Medicus One, but doing that is easier than defeating the life-energy-sucking monster they leave behind. Luckily, Blok isn't organic life.

Green Lantern #149: Jordan returns to Oa and remains adamant he's going to quit the Corps after this business on Ungara, even though Katma Tui and Arisia try to talk him out of it. Meanwhile, Gold Face is beat up by his former flunkie who is revealed as the Qwardian St'nlli. The Qwardian then goes looking for Green Lantern.

On Ungara, the impending ice age proves beyond Jordan's ability to stop until Arisia arrives to lend a hand. Just as they seem to have accomplished the task with a giant mirror, St'nlli attacks.

House of Mystery #301: In the opener by Mishkin and Duursema, a sheriff rescues a woman from the surf who wears antiquated clothes and has the speech patterns to match. Is she a timelost survivor of the lost colony of Roanoke? Anyway, they eventually are going to get married, but strangers show up, reveal the story of her being from the lost colony to be a lie, and take her away. But then maybe that isn't true? My question is: Is this horror? Then there's a short by O'Flynn and Giffen/Smith about a woman deciding she must kill her vampire lover.

Cavalieri and von Eeden find mutant, thousand-legged cats to be the solution to (human) overpopulation, while Mishkin/Cohn and Rubeny suggest a deal with the Devil (who really does live inside the Earth) is the solution to the energy crisis--at least for a while. Finally, a man in need of money for his wife's cancer treatment agrees to help an alien reporter find a deadly lifeform on earth, which winds up being his wife's tumor cells.

Phantom Zone #2: Gerber and Colan/DeZuniga continue to add to the Phantom Zone mythology. The Kryptonian criminals are out, while Superman and Quex-Ul are stuck in the Zone. The criminals throw the JLA satellite out of orbit, steal Green Lantern's power battery, and almost start a nuclear war. Supergirl battles them and is defeated. Batman goes to the Fortress of Solitude, but Zod has already destroyed the Phantom Zone projector. Wonder Woman gets the full story of what happened from Nam-Ek.

Meanwhile, Mon-El tells Superman there are levels to the Zone and maybe a way out. Superman and Quex-El are going to try and find it.

Sgt. Rock #361: Kanigher and Redondo bring the feels (as the kids say) with Rock vowing to get a gravely injured lieutenant to the town of St. Antoine alive. He does it, but barely. The lieutenant lives long enough to tell the Italian war orphan he had been planning to meet that he and his wife are adopting her. He gives her a picture of her new mother and sends her on her way before dying.   

Tim Truman writes and illustrates the story of an old Apache renegade pitting himself against a young Apache working as a scout for the cavalry. Mandrake delivers a futuristic tale of a cyborg whose plans of conquest are foiled by the aging of his still-biologic organs. Randall finishes things off with a story of samurai in feudal Japan.

Superman Family #215: Pasko and Mortimer have Supergirl tangling with Toxus, a polluting villain from the future. She's aided by the Supergirl from 500,000 years in the future, who explains two villains have been released and switched in time. The Supergirls switch time periods themselves to tackle the misplaced villains but have trouble adjusting to the different eras. Mr. and Mrs. Superman finally resolve the Insect Queen storyline by getting the scarab away from Lana and thwarting the ultra-ant (Ultra-Humanite in an ant body). In the Private Life of Clark Kent, the ace reporter discovers that Frank, the doorman at his apartment house, is really Franklin Pierce Jackson, an old star from baseball's Negro Leagues, and he gets him to coach some kids. 

Lois Lane finds a billionaire who has been missing for almost seven years and wants stay missing. She winds up helping thwart a relative who stands to inherit his money and wants the ex-billionaire dead. Finally, Jimmy Olsen investigates a charity with mob ties--and grows some self-respect and breaks up with Lucy Lane once and for all.

Warlord #54: I detailed the main story in this issue here. The Levitz/Yeates Dragonsword story concludes with Thiron appearing to be near defeat by the Emperor Quisel, but then the sword, man, and dragon become one and he transforms into a dragon man. He burns Quisel to ash, rebuffs the offers made to him by the two calculating mages that wouldn't help. Bidding goodbye to Dsyillus whose descendants he claims will inherit the land, he flies off into comic book limbo.

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Ruined Temple [Broken Compass]

We continued our Broken Compass game last night, "The Quest for the Serpent Throne" with the adventurers facing a number of jungle pulp adventure perils. First, their path was blocked by rapids on a tributary of the Hooghly. Sam Stone managed to make it across but hardly unscathed, (he took a spill and acquired the Bleeding Feeling.) so the rest of the party decided to find a way around. While they were separated, Sam was taken captive by a jungle tribe. There others were too once they were reunited.

After the Professor spoke to the tribe's chief, the chief sent them to a ruined Naga Temple. There they read ancient inscriptions that revealed the very items they sought could be used to fulfill a ritual brining the return of the Naga's from the Underworld.

Then they had a run in with a giant cobra. The managed to hide in the temple and block the door until the snake went away.


Still getting to know the system, so I made a couple of missteps in running this session. The giant cobra was either an Enemy if you fought it or a Danger if you tried to run away. In either case, the difficulty level was such that the character was likely to fail. But a fail in Broken Compass doesn't mean you don't succeed in what you were trying to do, it just means you had to rely on Luck (and use some Luck Points) to do it. The player's were sort of treating Luck like Hit Points and wanting to be too granular with their actions (trying to do one thing to set up something else), when mostly, the scene seemed to be constructed to be an obstacle that made player's use up some Luck to get by. I presented the situation as one they had to succeed at to get through, but really the players were always likely to get through, it was just a question of how much Luck they lost.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Space War

Here's the idea inspired by Andor: It's the 33rd Century and the solar system is a powder keg ready to blow. Twenty years ago, a fascist regime toppled the ailing Solar Republic to establish the Empire. But on the colony worlds and orbital habitats resistance to the new government was never completely crushed. If these groups can get organized, there will be a full-scale rebellion.

Take the grittier turn on the Star Wars universe of Andor and Rogue One, filter it through The Expanse (with a bit more advance technology like terraforming, cloning, and AI) and set it all in the 33rd Century (just like Lucas did his original treatment for The Star Wars) and you've got a less pulp and perhaps more cyberpunk version of my Pulp Star Wars setting.

There would be no nonhumans (well, no alien species, perhaps robots or droids are still common--and clones), no jedi, and fewer worlds. But drawing on the dark shadows of the Star Wars universe, I think would translate pretty well.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Weird Revisited: Aliens to Know...and Fear

I keep thinking I'm going to stat these guys, but I haven't got around to it yet, so I figured it was time to share. I don't know the original artist or source, but this should prove a handy reference for "real world" close encounters. You can't tell the players without a scorecard.

1. Roswell, 1947. As described by Beverly Bean, who reportedly had the bodies described to her by her father who had guarded them: "He said they were smaller than a normal man--about four feet--and had much larger heads than us, with slanted eyes, and that the bodies looked yellowish, a bit Asian-looking."
2. Valensole, 1965. Maurice Masse a French "agriculturalist" saw a spaceship and these guys
3. Villa Santina, 1947. An Italian artist was able to sketch his close encounter.
4. Salzburg, 1957. A soldier in the U.S. Army supposedly described these guys to a Canadian newspaper.
5. California, 1952. Orthon of Venus gave a message to George Adamski about nuclear energy.
6. São Francisco de Sales, 1957. Antonio Vilas Boas was abducted by these smartly uniformed guys who took him to have sex with an alien woman.
7. Voronezh, 1989. Robotic alien shows up in Russia to hassle teenagers as witnesses look on.
8. Aveley, 1974. Weird aliens abduct a whole family.
9. Pascagoula, 1973. Carrot alien. Only in Mississippi.
10. Caracas, 1954. He had a sphere motif going on.
11. Greensburg, 1973. Bigfoot-UFO team-up.
12. Kelly, 1955. Better known as the Hopkinsville Goblin Case--which I have statted.
13. And the Chupacabra needs no introduction.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Wednesday Comics: DC, February 1982 (week 2)

My goal: read DC Comics' output from January 1980 (cover date) to Crisis! This week, I'm looking at the comics at newsstands around November 12, 1981.

Batman #344: Conway, Colan and Janson bring the Poison Ivy and Arthur Reeves, mayoral candidate, subplots to a conclusion, plus reintroduce Vicki Vale (who hadn't appeared in a canonical appearance since 1963 but had shown up in a 1977 appearance that was retconned by this issue). Ivy gets control of Wayne Enterprises, but Batman starts waging psychological warfare by essentially stalking her with a plan to get her to break and make a confession, but instead she turns her assistant into a plant monster and has him attack. Robin shows up to help Batman and Ivy is apprehended. The assistant spills the plot to the cops. Meanwhile, Reeves reveals his evidence Batman is really a mobster, but a reporter quickly shows the evidence to be fake. Notably, this issue seems to directly follow last month's Detective Comics. While events in the other title have been mentioned before, this seems to be setting up a tighter continuity.

Flash #305: Mishkin and Cohn manage to give the Mirror Master a bit of tragedy. He's fallen in love with an Atlantean scientist who has been trapped in a mirror for thousands of years. Using his knowledge of the Flash, he launches an elaborate plan that will end up with the Flash liberating her by taking her place. It works well until the very end, where Flash destroys the mirror, thwarting the plan and trapping the woman presumably forever.

We get a new Dr. Fate backup from Pasko and Giffen and Mahlstedt. At the Boston Museum of Natural History, cultists have released the Lord of Chaos, Totec. When Fate and Totec fight they are pretty evenly matched, but then Inza shows up just in time to be taken hostage. Totec captures Fate too then starts the final summoning that will cause the fifth massive extinction event on Earth.

G.I. Combat #238: In Kanigher's and Glanzman's first Haunted Tank story, the crew is supposed to be part of a group opening up another front to take the pressure off the Soviets, but they wind up having to go in solo. They meet kids being trained to fight Nazis and ride a log down a flume to stop the kids' parents from getting executed. Why don't any World War II films show us the real war like these Haunted Tank comics. In their second outing, they are riding a raft down river (tank and all) picking up allied soldiers scattered in the drop near Eindoven. They wind up being carried out to sea and having a tank on a raft versus U-boat battle.

The other stories include one of the usual O.S.S peices. Then there's a short about a guy who intends to run in the next Olympics but makes his last run on a Pacific Island dropping a grenade in a Japanese pillbox. Finally (and really, it's been enough), there's a story of an American POW secretly kept captive by a Japanese officer following the war who feeds squirrels then makes his escape when the squirrels attack the Japanese officer looking for food.

Jonah Hex #57: Fleisher takes another dive into Hex's past. Hiding into a town, Hex saves an older woman from some thugs in a saloon, and it is revealed that she is his mother. She let's Jonah spend the night at her nearly bare, rat-infested apartment, and he recalls when she left him when he was a boy, running off with a traveling salesman and leaving Jonah with his abusive, alcoholic father. Near dawn, he gets up and goes to find the gambler his mother owes money to and guns down the man and his henchmen. Hex rides out of town echoing to his mother her last broken promise to him as a boy: "be back again real soon."

The El Diablo backup is a good one. El Diablo relentless pursues a group robbers and murderers into the desert, refusing to let them leave or even turn back. They turn on each other, then on him and in the end, they are all dead. El Diablo explains to the last one that the desert has become their Hell where they will stay for all eternity.

New Teen Titans #16: Wolfman and Perez give Kory a boyfriend, Frank Crandall, but he's really an agent working for a rogue HIVE leader who's looking to discover the Titans' secrets. The rest of the team discovers the truth, but before they can tell Starfire, Frank is killed by his boss. Starfire goes on a rampage but is stopped by her teammates from murdering the HIVE guy. He's later killed by his peers for taking insanctioned action.

Also, this issue we get a preview of Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew by Thomas/Conway and Shaw/Andru. Superman is stopping a meteor and winds up being transported to the furry animal comics universe of Earth-C. The meteor winds up giving a number of the inhabitants super-powers, including Captain Carrot. Superman and Captain Carrot team-up to stop a plot to use a de-evolution ray on the United Nature Building in Gnu York. Yes, we are in for a lot of those sorts of puns.

Secrets of Haunted House #46: Enjoy this title while you can because this is the penultimate issue.  Harris and Sutton start us off with what might be a superhero origin. I man is summoned by his father who reveals he's a wizard and passes his power to his sun via a sweet magical bandolier and talisman. He manages to defeat some bad guys and save his girlfriend. Next up, Sciacca and Bernard have a guy getting rich after he buys a newspaper from the future from a strange curio shop. He should have read beyond the final section, though, because the paper also contained his obituary! Kanigher and Vicatan have a woman on a trip to Egypt manipulated by an ancient cult who believes her to be the reincarnation of a queen. Her spirit gets a bit of revenge though, as she causes the cult leader who killed her to be killed to serve her in all eternity.

Then there's "Star-Trakker" by Timmons and Ditko where an android sent to collect samples of alien life crashes on Earth in a swamp instead and starts capturing and killing humans fulfill its function. A government operative named Stone is sent out to disable the creature and eliminate any witnesses. In the end, he's revealed to be yet another android.

Superman #368: Vlaatu (really Superman in deep disguise) leaves the Revengers to head out on his mission, reverting to his true form and Superman thought process as he nears Earth. But the Revengers suspecting Vlaatu's identity have planted a hypnotic suggestion making him believe he is actually a Super-droid sent destroy Superman. He plans a violent gesture to draw is quarry out and settles on killing Lois Lane! Lois, playing a hunch, throws herself off a cliff and sees her in peril breaks the Revengers' hold on Supes' mind. He flies back to the Revenger planetary base and puts mist around it, so if they leave, they will get amnesia and forget their hatred of Superman. Convenient!

We also get another Superman 2020 story. It's New Year's Eve and the flying, domed city of New Metropolis is going to drop like the Time Square ball. When it lands, everyone appears dead! It turns out terrorists unleashed a deadly plague, but Superman managed to introduce a counteragent that put everyone into suspended animation temporarily. He's got to race against time to stop the terrorists and find a cure.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Ascending to Yai

 Our Land of Azurth 5e campaign continued last night with the party perhaps entering into Yai from a cave and finding themselves in a storage room. A higher tech storage room of on par with some other strange places they've been in the past, but essentially a storage room. 

The cantrip Thaumaturgy came in handy this adventure as it allowed them to open doors they didn't possess the color-coded key card to open, and to inadvertent free two grateful shedu. The shedu, in return warned them of a brain-eating monster lurking about and suggested this structure had once moved through higher dimensions in some fashion. The shedu also revealed they had been subsisting on a store of twinkies.

They road a lift between levels and found mostly storage, but did encounter a robotic watchman who they were able to successfully talk with via magic. He didn't tell them anything they found useful, however. Leaving a storage area, they found themselves in an atrium on a walkway overlooking an expansive garden, gone wild with neglect below. On the walkway, they also ran into an old man.

He said his name was now "the Archivist," and he had once lived in Yai of which this was a sublayer. He took the party for hallucinations, at first. He did note they looked vaguely familiar. He was a foundling, taken in by the people of Yai and so had always been something apart from them. He took this job to catalog their history, but the people of Yai were now only concerned with their entertainments, not their past. He seldom had any contact with them now.

Waylon asked the old man if he had seen any of the Azurth books. The old man thought that rang a bell and said he would go look. He asked the party to wait in the lounge for his return and pointed them the way.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Not Available in Any Galaxy

 In the G+ days of 2016, I imagined what some Osprey Books Star Wars entries would look like. Here they are, rescued from the depths of tumblr: