“I could stand the sight of worms,And look at microscopic germs,But technicolor pachyderms,Is really much for me.”- “Pink Elephants on Parade”
Those who become too inebriated or intoxicated, invite the astral invaders known as pink elephants into their minds. These creatures appear as gelatinous, multi-colored, bipedal elephants, with sinister, leering expressions and eyes as featureless as the abyssal depths. They are non-corporeal, and can only be harmed by magical means, except by other astral beings. They cause fear in those able to see them (unless they make a save vs. magic). Unreasoning fear drives those that perceive them to fight for their lives against the elephants as if they are corporeal beings--which can lead to the victim inadvertently injuring themselves or those around them. During this period (which lasts 1-4 hours) the victim's mental faculties (Intelligence and Wisdom) and dexterity are effectively reduced by 1d4. After the resolution of the elephants' attack, the victim will sleep for 2-12 hours and awaken with a monstrous headache. There is a 33% chance that an encounter with the elephants will lead to more serious, permanent impairment of mental abilities, if a save vs. death is failed.
Pink Elephants: HD 3, AC 7 [12], Special: cause terror, noncorporeal.

Gah! That is almost too weird. Luckily that is just for alcohol and not 'shrooms. Right? Right?
Gets better and better.
@Vaults - Just don't let those 'shrooms ferment any...
@Matt - Thanks!
Delirium Tremens
@NetherWerks - Nice.
Yep. Very good stuff. Goes nicely with a burger. Pink Elephants are wonderful totemic critters...
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