Or maybe, to break into. You and your players can decide.
First, a small island named for the pelicans that (presumably) once nested there. Of course, Alcatraz is more famous for the Federal prison that was located there:
Here's a floorplan of the prison itself:
Next, here's the truly sprawling High Royds Hospital in Menston, England, part of the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum.
9 minutes ago
These are good for all types of gaming especially zombie or horror related....
Very cool stuff especially for a Gamma World Style adventure! The Mines of Alchetrez or some such! Nice find man!
Don't think I'll be visiting a lunatic asylum any time soon... not by my own free will, anyway, heh.
That last map might come in handy...
@Mike - hey, man--better safe than sorry.
@Garrisonjames - Indeed. ;)
What about New York?
I never said these were all the places you could escape from.
these are great - those turn-of-the-century asylums are huge. I visited the one in Buffalo NY and you could get half the population of the city in there. It's really too big to be maintained, alas.
The complex here in South Carolina (now mostly empty) that grew from the end of the 18th to the middle of the 20th century once housed over 2000 residents.
I wonder how many staff they had. It's comparable with a cruise liner.
...the number of residents, I mean. Posting on a phone: sorry for the drop in clarity.
That's a good question. I would tend to suspect a lower ratio of patient to staff than today as regulations have increased over time, but then again it was the hayday of funding for such things, so you never know.
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