Friday, September 20, 2024

Take Me to the Pilot!

I'm a bit behind in my session reports, so I've got two to cover from our 5e Land of Azurth campaign. The party has been making their way up the floors of the mechanical titan that the rebels against the Wizard hope to use against him, but at the moment it's in the hands of mercenaries who stole it to sell to the Wizard.

In the first session, the part reached the auxiliary control room in the solar plexus area of the construct. Erekose fell prey to a trap that dropped him into the trash furnace, then the party had to contend with a minotaur armed with a magic hammer.

In the second session, the party finished exploring the auxiliary control room level, then made a gnome technician call the elevator for them. The next level is a weird gallery with a dinosaur, an elf woman, a weirdly intense, muscular man, and a horrible mass of protoplasm held in some sort of stasis. A sneaky gnome tries to drop the stasis fields, but the party stops him. They do free the elf who reveals she was kidnapped for ransom.

There is a curving, steel staircase to the head and the next level. There is also a towering construct standing at the top of them. The party rushes into battle and manages to defeat it surprisingly handily. In the head, they find the actually control room and two spellcasters who are prepared for them. Glym, Bok's primary technical consultant, is a wizard, and there is also a sinister looking cleric.

These guys are no joke, but there's only two of them and there are 5 party members. In a few rounds they are down, though not before Erekose is banished to some nether realm. He comes back though when Glym goes down.

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