Thursday, March 6, 2025

Two Wraiths and a Spectre

That's how our Land of Azurth 5e game last Sunday ended up, but it started with a dragon.

Or drake, more precisely. The party was looking for the shards of a mirror that if re-assembled might restore Nocturose, the forever-sleeping love of the Dark Queen of Noxia Country. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing, the party doesn't know, but they figure better in their control than someone else's. The shadow drake wanted to keep the piece he had all to himself and wanted to destroy the party for the temerity of coming looking.

He and his two pet shadows brought some tense moments, but in the end, they couldn't withstand the party's onslaught. Waylon the Frogling went for a swim in the dark pool and recovered the shard and some treasure from the bottom.

The party continued down the road and came to a windowless tower grown over with vines. The tower didn't appear in the rhyme they had heard the previous adventure which laid out the locations of the shards, so they moved on for now.

Next, they came to a clearing with a large, twisted tree. From its otherwise bare limbs were hung skeletons. They do see the glint of the mirror shard about 40 feet up in the tree, as well. With no other means to get it, Waylon and Shade climb up. As soon as they've carefully pulled the shard free, a specter descends upon them, and two wraiths fly toward them from the skeletons on the branches. 

Fighting these noncorporeal undead while maintaining their hold on the tree is no easy task. The other party members don't have a lot of options to help them. Until a couple of rounds in, Erekose remembers his trusty energy rifle. Between his supporting fire and the fight being put up by Shade and Waylon, the undead are vanquished before they can any of our heroes to their number. But it's pretty close. Closer than the dragon had been.

Now only one mirror shard to go...

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