Weird Adventures will be on sale at Gen Con 2012. I've joined up with the gang at the OSR booth headed up by Bill Barsh of Pacesetter Games. So far, other participating groups include Expeditious Retreat Press, Black Blade Publishing, Faster Monkey Games, Center Stage Miniatures, Frog God Games, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and Henchmen Abuse.
In some form, I imagine there'll be some Gen Con exclusive Weird Adventures material, as well. More on that to come.
40 minutes ago
Woohoo. That's very cool.
I hope it sells like wildfire my friend......
Now that's a booth.
Awesome! I wish I could attend this year.
Cool! And congrats on a good review from 2gm1mic the other day. Soon you'll be able to give up your day job and focus all your energy on the jetset life of a game-developer.
Me, I take enormous pride in having been a fan before WA got mainstream.
Thanks guys.
@Johnathan - Yeah, I wish you could be there, too. Always great to meet folks in person.
@Harald - Thanks. Yeah, I had a couple of quibbles with things they said (I worried it might give unfamiliar listeners the wrong impression) but they definitely like it, which was nice. I think I'd have to move a hell of a lot more copies before I could give up my day job(s) and support myself in the lifestyle I've become accustom. ;)
You have been a long time supporter. If there are ever any WA fanclub premiums you'll be in the first mailing, my friend. :)
Excellent. I will be there too, though I will be running oh so many L5R RPG games . . . Hopefully we can find time to meet up.
Definitely. That would be cool.
Gen Con is one of those 'bucket-list' events that I hope to attend some day. I hope Weird Adventures sells well for you there!
Does this mean you'll be running it there?
Sad I won't be able to make it, but count me as a fan too.
Good deal. I hope you sell a ton of copies.
@Sean - This is my first time. I'm interested to see how it compares vis a vis the comics conventions I've been to.
@Richard - Thanks! I'm not specifically scheduled yet to run anything, but you never can tell what might happen.
@Aos - A ton would be a great amount to sell. ;)
Ooo will you be taking pics/videos of Gem Con?
Nice Trey. I've been wanting to go to Gen Con since forever. Sell them all and take no prisoners.
@Mike - I certainly will.
@Tim - No prisoners will be taken, be assured.
That's terrific news. Congrats!
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