The planet Cymril lies at the center of the Seven Worlds Alliance. Its capital and only city--the crystalline megalopolis Cymril City (or just “Cymril”)--is the de facto capital of the Alliance and the nexus of trading routes, as well. Beyond the city, Cymril is only sparsely populated wilderness, dotted with small settlements.
Cymrilians are a green-skinned humanoid species known for their powerful psi abilities. Not all Cymrilians possess these abilities, but psi training and experimentation are central to Cymrilian culture, and the most powerful psionics form the planet's ruling elite. They have even developed technological means of enhancing their mental powers. All children of Cymrilian society are tested at a young age for psi abilities and the most promising are sent to various academies. Cymril was founded by a people called the Phandre from the Phaedran Star Empire of old. The Phandre exiles split into three factions/sub-ethnicites that exist to the modern day. The Koresians, currently ascendant in Cymril, are forward-thinking and more interested in being involved in galactic society. The Tanasians are conservatives descended from the former rulers of the Phandre. Until their ouster, Cymril was more a authoritarian and expansionistic state. Tanasians instituted a eugenics program to foster psi potential among their people and were generally opposed to alliances with other (lesser in their view) species. The third group, the Pharesians, are radicals and rejectionists of Cymril society. Pharesians are distinct from the Koresians and Tanasians, having a darker greenskin-tone. They are outcasts, dwelling in the wilderness outside Cymril City or wandering among the inhabited stars as merchants or traders. Their ancestors considered psychologically unsuitable for advanced psi training, Pharesians are barred from the psionic academies by Koresians and Tanasians alike.
@Bill - Well, there are all the freely downloadable ones over at the "d20" version. :) If I play this, I'll probably use the a mod of the 2nd edition system with some sci-fi stuff.
Yeah, I've thought of that--and I could certainly stet these sort of posts that way. It just doesn't fit S&S really and a don't own SWN. Maybe Humanspace Empires, though..
Yeah, but, do they have a cloaking device or photon torpedoes?
Three pronged societies are always interesting and there's enough dynamics to develop great story line of tension from within.
Tim is looking for military reports, so am I come to think of it.
Nice write up, but we need some game stats!!
@Bill - Well, there are all the freely downloadable ones over at the "d20" version. :) If I play this, I'll probably use the a mod of the 2nd edition system with some sci-fi stuff.
Good point, guess I was thinking of converting it to a current Sci Fi rpg on the market, S&S, SWN etc.. : )
Yeah, I've thought of that--and I could certainly stet these sort of posts that way. It just doesn't fit S&S really and a don't own SWN. Maybe Humanspace Empires, though..
I could definately see this for Humanspace Empires!
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