Continuing my reposting of Google+ of setting tidbits, here are some more pictures and more glimpses into a fantasy world:
At the Conclave of Sorcerers the haughty Mabdosir Turms made overtures to Vathluna Drox regarding the exchange of thaumaturgical research--and things more carnal. Turms was only saved from more than a sharp rebuke by the gong announcing the start of the invocation ritual.
Hierodules perform in sexual rites within the temple of Meln itself, the oldest in the city, venerating the now nameless and distant gods of the city’s foundation. Hierodules come from all social classes and serve anonymously beneath masks that also seem to disguise their voices, lending them an otherworldy quality. No one has ever noted a hierodule to age. It is presumed they do, as new initiates are selected from time to time, but no one knows what becomes of those that retire. The inner sanctum of the temple holds a lingam with glyphs (worn and faded) that sages believe was a boundary marker of some pre-human civilization.
The Throne Room of Gaagmragog, sub-man bandit chieftain. His motley band of outlaw humans, sub-men, and degenerate species less identifiable, holes up in a series of caves inside a rock "island" deep in the Great Swamp
7 hours ago
Great stuff! The lurid decadence is reminiscent of Zothique
Thanks, Sean, Yeah, I would say this campaign was/is something like: the Hyborian Age as designed by Clark Ashton Smith with a primary city sort of like Thieves World if it had been written by Fritz Leiber.
What I wouldn't give to read that book!
Great setting cues. What film is the second picture from?
It's from the Starz TV series Spartacus: Blood & Sand.
Cool setting. Want to read more of it. :D
Thanks, Logan. If you check out the "arn" label, you'll get more of that world (at least a version of it. It's under constant revision.)
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