Here are some images from the future world where Man is only a dim memory...
Many young elves heed the call to adventure, despite the fact their simple and pleasure-loving society sees their actions as odd--perhaps even aberrant. The elvish word for "hero" carries the connotation of "fool."
The shimmering sprites are sometimes found in old forests. These beings claim to be visitors from metal cities which circle the earth like the moon. Right-thinking dwarves don't believe such foolish tales.
Though their numbers are few, ancient dragons know many secrets and will impart them--for a price.
Mutated cultists haunt subterranean ruins. Not only are they dangerous, but their ideas are theologically suspect.
2 hours ago
The second picture of the fro lady fairy. Creepy.
Nice. The dragon with a helmet is cool. This is a fun project that is definitely going to be going places...
Similar to Terry Brooks Shannara Tales....
@Tim - That's Jim Starlin's Whis'par.
@Jim - Thanks. That pic is by A;fredo Alcala and from a MOTU mini-comic.
@Angry Lurker - I hope not too similar. :) Shannara's sort of a Tolkien ripoff. This is sort of pre-Tolkien (or low Tolkien) 70s fantasy.
This campaign world is coming along nice - I was totally torn between Huge Ruined Pile's Dwarf Land and ASE when I started playing again. You seem to be coming down somewhere in between fairytale and 70's science fantasy camp.
I am still a bit unclear on what percentage of Vaughn Bode vs. Grimm are you leaning towards?
@Mouther - Huh. Good call. I had not thought of this as sort of the middle point between those two great settings,but I guess that's apt. I would say the "% Grimm" in the direct fairytale sense is pretty low, though there is some there. I might instead characterize it as 40% The Hobbit (though not LOTR) and 60% something you read in Heavy Metal or some Warren anthology in 1978.
Hmmm. Nice - I do like the Hobbit, a heck of a lot more than LOTR - always found it the better book less saga (and really when you the Iliad and chunks of the Bhagavad Gita are you bedtime stories - LOTR is an inferior epic). The Hobbit is still a superior fairy story though.
The 70's - 80's "Fire & Ice", Pinball Glass Art, "Book of the New Sun" stuff provides so much flavor and imagery - but I think fairy tales (in addition to/or as an alternative to "Tom Jones" and "The Golden Ass")provide a really nice narrative structure for role playing game sessions. Are you familiar with V. Propp's "Morphology of the Russian Folk Tale"? Not worth reading in this context, but worth a perusal of the Wikipedia entry.
Anyway should you ever run this world and feel the need for extra players - do drop me a line, I will be glad to strap on a chainmail speedo and hop onto my giant flying Mobeius bird.
Apologies if this is long winded - Rum as a sleep aid and coming down of a work "high" are involved.
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