Yesterday on Google+, Cole expressed his appreciation for a good map. I certainly understand their appeal: A good map really seems to conjure a sense of place, making the fantastic a bit more tangible. Here are some from fantasy literature. Maybe you can find some inspiration in them.
Pellucidar is Edgar Rice Burroughs's land within the hollow earth. Here's another map of the same setting:
Poictesme is a mythical French province, appearing in a series of novels by James Branch Cabell:
Lemuria is the stomping grounds of Thongor, Lin Carter's barbarian hero of the forgotten prehistoric past:
7 hours ago
Poictesme is good, the more detail the better.
that Poictesme map is some hotness
I always loved those Pellucidar maps... it could just be the line weights and lettering styles. For some reason they remind me of Oz.
@Cole - Yeah, it took me a bit of looking to find it in color.
Those sweet maps are yet more proof I haven't read enough pulp barbarian / lost world fiction.
There's always time. :)
Love these sorts of maps. Lin Carter did a map for each of his series in the Burroughsian style and it is very cool. Clean, simple, and it works. Classic coolness.
I'm a fan of those,too.
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